mercredi 20 juillet 2011

Deciphering the attitude of the Syrian regime

Raw video : US official seen during protests in Hama, Syria
DAMASCUS - The Syrian ministry of Foreign Affairs sent out a warning message on Wednesday to the American and French embassies.
Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem threatened to impose a travel ban on diplomatic missions if they continue to "violate" the Syrian regime's "guidance".
Two weeks ago, the American and French ambassadors visited the city of Hama to "participate" and "watch" large anti-regime protests, much to the discontent of the regime.
Days later, released details on the circumstances of these actions further confused the public opinion:
1- The American embassy said it notified the syrian regime about the trip and was autorised to go through with it.
2-Washington insisted that the Syrian regime was informed by the move
3-The American embassy was attacked by pro-regime protesters.
4-Secretary of state Hillary Clinton lashed out at the regime and at president Bachar al-Assad
5-American ambassador remained in Syria, and stated in a press release that the travel ban on Syria is not political but for security reasons.

And to top it all off:
"We did not expel the two ambassadors because we had hoped to maintain better relations in future.", said Mr. Muallem.

Well how about that? - Lets read between the lines... doesn't it seem that there is some sort of "under the table" stuff going on between those two?

I mean, Qatar is the biggest investor in Syria and withdrew its ambassador from Syria after being attacked just like the US embassy.

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